Top 5 Trends In Health Food Industry Australia

Raw Foods On Forks


The Health Food Industry Australia is thriving with different types of health supplements that aim to make you healthier and fitter than ever before. They have all the required and essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you don’t get from your daily diet. Following are the top 5 trends in foods and beverage supplements in 2015. Read on to know more:

Clear Labeling

The growing trend is towards the clear definition of “natural”. Most of the health supplements mention the word “natural”, “organic” in it. But what actually is organic and what makes a product natural – this is still a debatable topic. As such retailers and consumers are demanding a better and clearer explanation of the terms.

Marketing to Millenials

Individuals aged between 15 to 35 years fall in the so-called millennial generation who are tech savvy and well read. They account for one third of the population and are interested to take care of their body so that they remain fit and healthy even in the long run.

Healthy Snacks rise to the occasion

Eating fast foods is not a very healthy choice of lifestyle. In order to control this, healthy snack items are making their way in the grocery stores. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and are equally tasty. These products are replacing the traditional meal choices.

Good Fats, Good Carbs

All fats and carbs are not bad. There are many natural fats and oils that are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acid. Hence there is a growing demand for these good fats and carbs.

Protein rich supplements

Off the different health supplements, protein has always been the most sought after and in demand. This trend is here to stay. So go ahead and stock up your protein supplements today.