How You Can Enjoy A Gluten Free Diet?


Are you gluten intolerant? Do you suffer from rashes and allergies when you eat any item that has gluten in it? Well keep the following factors in mind so that you don’t have to undergo any unpleasant experience any more:

Read the food labels before you purchase

As per the law in UK and EU and food item that has used wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelt or Kamut will have the ingredient mentioned in bold. So read through the ingredients used to make the food item before you go ahead and purchase it.

Opt for gluten free foods

Just because you are allergic to gluten does not mean that you cannot eat your favorite food items. Opt for gluten free pasta, bread, crackers, bread rolls, cereals instead of the same version that has gluten in it.

There are many food items that are naturally gluten-free

You will be amazed to know that Mother Nature has blessed us with many gluten free products that we can eat on a regular basis and make a regular part of our diet. Some of the common items include poultry, fish, meat, fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and even cheese as well as eggs.

Naturally gluten-free grains and cereals

Opt for polenta, buckwheat, corn, millet and tapioca as your choice of cereals as they are naturally free of gluten. You can use all these cereals to create your bread, pasta and so on.

Know which alcohol to avoid

Avoid beer, ale and stouts as they have high content of gluten in them. On the contrary drink wine, cider, sherry and liqueurs as they are gluten free. Gluten is not only restricted to food items but also to what you drink.

Be aware of cross contamination

If you are suffering from coeliac disease then make sure that you use separate utensils in order to avoid cross contamination. Even a tiny bit of gluten can cause symptoms if you are suffering from the coeliac disease.

You can always enjoy eating out

Just because you are allergic to gluten that does not mean that you cannot enjoy eating out with your family and friends. Just find out which are the restaurants that offer gluten free food items and visit that food joint. It is really very simple.

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Top 5 Trends In Health Food Industry Australia

Raw Foods On Forks


The Health Food Industry Australia is thriving with different types of health supplements that aim to make you healthier and fitter than ever before. They have all the required and essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you don’t get from your daily diet. Following are the top 5 trends in foods and beverage supplements in 2015. Read on to know more:

Clear Labeling

The growing trend is towards the clear definition of “natural”. Most of the health supplements mention the word “natural”, “organic” in it. But what actually is organic and what makes a product natural – this is still a debatable topic. As such retailers and consumers are demanding a better and clearer explanation of the terms.

Marketing to Millenials

Individuals aged between 15 to 35 years fall in the so-called millennial generation who are tech savvy and well read. They account for one third of the population and are interested to take care of their body so that they remain fit and healthy even in the long run.

Healthy Snacks rise to the occasion

Eating fast foods is not a very healthy choice of lifestyle. In order to control this, healthy snack items are making their way in the grocery stores. They are rich in vitamins and minerals and are equally tasty. These products are replacing the traditional meal choices.

Good Fats, Good Carbs

All fats and carbs are not bad. There are many natural fats and oils that are a rich source of omega 3 fatty acid. Hence there is a growing demand for these good fats and carbs.

Protein rich supplements

Off the different health supplements, protein has always been the most sought after and in demand. This trend is here to stay. So go ahead and stock up your protein supplements today.

Top 5 Health Food Stores In Australia

Organic food items and health supplements play a significant role in improving your health and well being. Our hectic lifestyle prevents us from eating healthy and we end up consuming more fast foods then required. This is not a very healthy sign and in the long run, fatigue, stress; anxiety will be your constant companion. So you should make sure that in addition to a balanced diet, you should also include food supplements as part of your daily diet.

If you are looking for top 5 health food stores in Australia then read on to know more:

Honest to goodness

Honest to goodness

Is one of the leading health food supplement online store in Australia. They deal in almost all the different varieties of health supplements. The name of the store is reflective of their dedication to offer high quality health supplements at cost effective rates. So you can be rest assured about the quality of the items purchased. Established in the year 2002, they deliver their products to the buyer’s address as well as to different online stores that deal in health supplements.



Another popular health supplement store, their products are of the highest quality, least processed, most flavorsome and naturally preserved foods. Starting from Whey protein isolate, kelp powder, lecithin german and other varieties of health supplements they also deal in Beans & Pulses, Cereals, Dried Fruit, Flours & Meals, Glace Fruit, Grains, Grocery, Nuts, Oils & Vinegars, Seeds and healthy Snacks as well.



High quality products at affordable rates are what set Fourbody apart from the other companies. They have an extensive range of health supplements (vitamins, minerals, herbs etc), organic foods, and natural products for personal care, fitness supplements, aromatherapy oils & natural cosmetics. Some of their popular products include: Organic Magnesium Oil, PSE Cell Charge, Digestive Tonic by Fusion Health, Ozganics Strawberry Spread, Miessence Organics Rejuvenating Moisturiser, Thompson’s Organic Magnesium, Strawberry Spread by Ozganics, Rejuvenating Moisturiser by Miessence Organics and Organic Magnesium by Thompson’s.

Aussie health products

Aussie health products

They deal in health drinks, snacks, vitamins, fitness, homeopathic and even bath and beauty products. Prompt delivery with high quality food items makes them a household name. A family business they deliver their products across Australia and New Zealand as well.


Just health

As is evident from the name, just health is a leading supplier of health supplements across Australia. You will come across products and items that are not easily available with other stores. Several years into the business, they are known for their prompt delivery and excellent customer service.

Now that you have a list of the Top 5 health food store in Australia you know where to look for your health supplements. Contact any one of them and place your order today!

How To Sale Health Supplements Online?

health Supplement

The crazy fact is that the online shops are getting high rise. Every person checks out the specific product on the online store and then move on to buy the same. So, if you are a businessman and deals with Health Supplements, then your online store should be the primary target to fetch more customers. Online Health Supplement Store will never disappoint you because there are innumerable health products at your easy reach. What you should do to brush up the online sale of the health supplements? Below are the points to know:

health supplements online

Come up with your product deals:

Time and again you have to keep the customers updated with the products details. Once a new product launched, you must update about it on your site and also inform the latest offers on the product.

Email marketing for customer:

You should send newsletter to your customers to keep them updated about your products. It is called Email marketing and your customers also feel special about the importance that the company shows to them.

Stay connected with blog:

You can start a blog, which is really personal and you can share the company updates, employees life, annual events and many more events as well as health tips to keep one healthy and fit.

Connect through Social Media:

You can connect through social media and keep your followers updated about your recent activities of Health Supplement Store.

Health Supplements: Questions to ask

There some questions you need to ask to yourself as well as to your close associate to know about the Health Supplements. They are:

Do I need the supplements?

Multivitamin and minerals supplements are very useful and it fulfills your necessary supplements in the body. But, you should understand whether you really need these supplements or not and then accordingly you can take the dosage. If you are not getting necessary nutrients from the regular diet, then you can take the supplements.

Should I consult with doctor?

Yes, it is better to consult with your doctor. He or she can help you take the right medication and you can easily follow the advice of an expert and take good care of your health. It will not raise a second question about your health and it will definitely make a better feedback of your health.

Where will get information on Health Supplements?

FDA offers you many medical articles and news, which you can read and get all the information. It will give you the detailed picture of the supplement and you can read them thoroughly to get more information. It is an eye-opener for you and gets the detailed advice on the supplements.

What if I found side-effects of the supplements?

You must immediately stop taking the tablets. Some people have different types of side-effects and which are not same like you. In that case, you must consult with your doctor and get the correct advice. You will find it genuine and will help you in all circumstances.

These days, multivitamin supplements are getting popular. You will get energy and you will get great help. These supplements are really helpful and increase your immune system. After a proper doctor’s advice, you can get the best result and it will reduce your tiredness.

5 Health Supplements And Food Items That Is Great For Your Heart


One of the most common causes of death amongst men and women across the globe is cardiac arrest. However, it is preventable thereby making Health Supplements a popular benefit. Following are the 5 supplements that actually make a change and lower the risk of heart attack. (Note: don’t forget to consult your doctor, before you go ahead and start consuming these supplements.)


One of the major reasons why green leafy vegetable is are so good for you is because they have nitrates in them. Both nitrates and potassium play a significant role in protecting your heart. Nitrates can be found in beets, green leafy vegetables. Hence, you should consume these items as much as you can. When the nitric oxide synthesis increases in the body it automatically improves blood circulation thereby reducing blood pressure level. In fact having a diet that is rich in nitrates reduces your hypertension risk thereby reducing the risk of cardiac arrest.


Hydrogen sulfide present in garlic is a good source of blood pressure reduction. This sulfide also leads to the creation of new blood vessels. One can eat it raw or can incorporate as part of their regular diet as well. The improved hydrogen sulfide level helps to promote the growth of new arterioles while reducing blood pressure. In fact garlic also reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels as such it is a vital health supplement.

Vitamin K…

Vitamin K plays a significant role in reducing arterial calcification. There are very few Health Supplements that can offer this. As a result this vitamin plays an important role in minimizing heart attacks. In addition to consuming food items that are rich in vitamin K one should also consume health supplements that offer this vitamin.


Berberine is a very strong blood glucose–lowering agent which can be extremely beneficial for diabetic people or those who are glucose intolerant. In fact it also reduces cholesterol and triglycerides.

Terminalia Arjuna….

Compared to the supplements mentioned above, this one has a direct impact on the heart. Although human studies are very less, yet it is seen that the Arjuna water protects the heart from the catecholamines or elevated glucose levels.

Go ahead and incorporate these health supplements in your regular diet so that you can start taking care of your heart from today only.

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Top 5 Food Items With Anti-Inflammatory Qualities For Losing Belly Fat

Most of us are bugged with our belly fat and are looking for ways and means to lose it for good. But no matter what we do – reduce the amount of food we eat, skip meals, exercise and so on – yet the belly fat refuses to leave. Of the different fats that accumulate in our body, the belly fat is the hardest to lose. It somehow refuses to leave. There are high chances, that you are doing something or the other that is not allowing you not to lose weight. Reducing the amount of foods that we eat or skipping meals will take you nowhere. You need to know which food items will help to reduce inflammation in the body so that you have higher energy and feel better and lose your belly fat faster. The Health Food Industry Australia is buzzing with different types of food items that can act as a catalyst towards losing your belly fat.

fruitFresh fruits and vegetables: include apples, berries, pineapple, broccoli, papaya, mushrooms, and spinach in your daily diet. They terrific anti-inflammatory fruits and vegetables and if eaten on a regular basis can help to reduce belly fat in the long run.

green treeGreen tea: how many times have you heard that green tea is good for slimming down? The flavonoids present in green tea are well known for burning fat. The EGCG compound is the main ingredient that burns the fat and allows you to stay fit.

imagesMonounsaturated fats: olive oil, almonds, and avocado have this fat component which has high anti-inflammatory properties which helps to break down the unsaturated fatty acids and thereby reduce the belly fat.

waterWater: one of the easiest ways to lose belly fat is to keep yourself hydrated. Water is essential for flushing out inflammation-causing toxins from your body.

omega-3-fatty-acidsOmega-3 fatty acids: as per research a diet that is rich in omega 3 fatty acids is a great way to decrease inflammation. Include walnuts, flaxseed, and salmon in your daily diet.

This article is contributed by : FourBody

Foods High in Vitamin A for Healthy Eyes


Your eye is your biggest asset. Can you imagine a world where you cannot see anything? It will be dull and highly boring. God has created so many interesting things that need to be seen in order to be believed. But most of us ignore our eyes unless we face in difficulty in our vision. Why wait for something significant to happen before you take stock of your life? Do you know there are so many foods that are high in Vitamin A? And most of these are commonly available. You don’t have to scourge from one market to another in order to buy the products. Include the following food items in your daily diet in order to improve your vision:



The moment we think of vision and Vitamin A, the first vegetable that we think of is the carrot. If you have an average sized carrot, you are consuming about 200% of the average Vitamin A needs for the day.

1 medium sized carrot provides 10191 IU of Vitamin A.

Cod Liver Oil:

Most of us have taken cod liver oil at one of their life. Considered to be a rich source of Vitamin A, D and omega3 fatty acids, 1 tablespoon of this oil is enough to meet your regular Vitamin A needs.

1 tablespoon provides 14000 IU of Vitamin A


One of the most popular fruits across the globe, you can have mango as a main dish item or as a dessert as well. Have one cup sliced mango daily. It offers 36% of the daily amount of Vitamin A.

1 cup sliced mango provides 1785 IU of Vitamin A


The most commonly used vegetable; tomatoes are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. One medium sized tomato offers 20% of your Vitamin A needs.

1 medium sized tomato offers 1025 IU of Vitamin A

There are many online different Health Food Shops from where you can easily purchase these items. You don’t even have to step out. It is that simple and easy.

The Natural Health Food Store Online are a Storehouse of Healthy Food Supplements


Our forefathers used to eat natural foods plucked from the trees and so on. Centuries have passed and now we consume more of processed food items than anything else. Even the fresh fruits that we consume are mostly cultivated using artificial manure and pesticides which in turn robs the fruits and vegetables of their essentials nutrients and minerals. So what is the best possible solution in such a situation? Many FMCG companies have come out with high quality food items that are organic and are produced in their own farms without using any harmful chemicals or pesticides. As such their quality is good and all the essential nutrients and minerals are present in the food which is safe for consumption. Moreover these companies have also come up with great health supplements that are a rich source of protein, vitamins, minerals, omega3 fatty acids and so on. You can take your pick from protein shake, organic magnesium, digestive tonic, fish oil, organic quinoa and so on.


If you browse the World Wide Web, you will come across different Natural Health Food Store Online that deals in these products. If you check out the site, you will come across the different products. From there you will get all the details regarding the different products. Purchase the ones that you need. If you are not a fan of fish oil products, don’t buy them. Opt for those items that you would like to consume and are required by your body. Say for example you are a health conscious individual and are a regular gym person. You need to consume protein shakes, so purchase this item from the store – as per your need and requirement buy the products. Check out the reviews about the products in order to know more about them.

Everyday Food Items That Can Help To Keep Your Heart Healthy And Active


Eating for a healthy heart means paying attention to your diet! So, make sure that you eat enough of green leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, egg, milk and fish and meat several times a day. In addition to this, we need to limit the amount of junk food consumed so that the unsaturated fatty acids cannot do us any harm. There is no alternative to healthy eating. Make some of the following popular items a part of your daily diet:

  • Yoghurt: one of the most tasty side accompaniments, yoghurt can be eaten in so many different ways. You can eat it just the way it is. Or you can make a tasty dip out of it. Research says that yoghurt is great against gum disease. It helps to keep tooth decay at bay. So if for nothing else, for a healthy pair of teeth make yoghurt a part of your regular diet. Try out cucumber along with it to enjoy a tasty side dish.
  • Raisins: A popular dry fruit, you will find that raisins can be used in almost any type of food dish. Be it rice pulao, pudding, cake, custard or eat it like that only – the different ways in which you can eat raisin is numerous. Eating raisins on a daily basis reduces the chance of heart attack and improves the quality of your gum as well.
  • Whole Grains: they are a rich source of antioxidants, phytoestrogens and phytosterols and are quite tasty and filling to say the least. You can eat them as your lunch or even as a part of your dinner. The antioxidants present in them helps to fight the cholesterol and keep heart attack at bay.
  • Salmon: there is no alternative to it. Almost every household has its daily share of salmon intake. High on omega 3fats, it helps to keep you fit, active and lean as well.
  • Chocolate: now who does not like to eat chocolate? Starting from a kid to an 80 year old guy, everyone loves to enjoy a good slab of chocolate. As per research cocoa helps to reduce blood pressure and improve the flow of blood.healthy heart


But what if it is not possible for you to eat these items? Many of us stay at hostels either to attend college or we have just started out and do not have a proper place to stay. We depend on the food offered by the hostel authorizes. As a result, we often miss out on the essential nutrients and vitamins. In order to ensure that we don’t fall sick, there is another alternative that we can do. We can opt for health food supplements sold at the Health Food Store.

The Health Food Shop offers a diverse collection of health supplement products and that too at affordable rates.